Changing my Instagram name

When I started my own business three years ago I had no idea how it was going to go, but I believed it could be a success. 

My approach was to say yes to everything that came my way in order to make it work. 

This meant taking some jobs that paid very little, it meant hustling to find new clients, and it meant allowing the business to evolve - with a plan in place - but driven by a degree of organic development. 

Three years later, and after clearing a lot of hurdles, I’m delighted with how it’s going. I have a good variety in the work I do, which mainly consists of: Photography; Social Media Services; and, Strategic Planning. I get to work with a lot of great people and I’m accountable to myself.

One of the outcomes from allowing things to develop organically is that I got to build on my passion for bikes by photographing rigs and racers alike. 

Atom creates was an intentional name so that it could cover a lot of bases, however it has been on my mind for some time that 80% of my business at Atom creates is not bike related, yet my Instagram account is almost completely made up of followers from the cycling community.

This disparity is something I need to do something about because new clients visiting my online presence for Atom creates are often not seeing the reality of my business - which is that I spend most of my time photographing non-bike related content (events, commercial work, headshots, studio shoots, weddings, and so on), as well as managing social media, making simple websites, and delivering strategic planning work for businesses and agencies. 

I’ve spent a lot of time working out how to transition everything, and now is the time to take another step forward, which is this…

My bike related content will now sit under the name Tom Scott Photos and the handle @tomscottphotos_

Finding a new name is not easy, nearly all new ideas I had were already taken. @tomscottphotos_ captures a lot of what I wanted… it’s a simple username, it has my name included in it, and it tells you I take photos!  

The sister account I started a while back will become @atomcreates and all new non-bike related work will continue to be posted there. 

I know it’ll take a bit of time to get used to for those tagging me etc. from the bike scene, but I’ve never been one to be afraid of making a change if I see potential progress can be made. I believe now is the time. 

So, spread the word, my biking content is now Tom Scott Photos - @tomscottphotos_ ✌️ 


Can’t be…beat